Friday, July 14, 2006

Singapore online discoveries

My kind blog mentor (a rambler of some sorts) has adviced to make my entries more informal. So here it goes.

Being far from Singapore makes me long for all things Singaporean. The only way i can get near her is -- virtually. Thus i throw my net wide (onto the Internet that is) and through random successes i pull up whatever the day's catch may bring. Sometimes i will get leads from Singapore Heritage discussion list (this site is for members or join by emailing, or even Sometimes i am just lucky. Maybe this blog should just be called

Here are some of today's discoveries
* Intelligent Singapore or (IS) for short aggregates from some of the best social critics in our blogsphere. Seems to have only recently started as its archives is dated July

* My Sketchbook , a political cartoonist capturing recent issues such as the brownout of Mr Brown! The cartoonist was first highlighted by Singabloodypore, another site not to be missed. The later has his own bloody eshopfront!

1 comment:

Ivan Chew said...

Hey, about time we "heard" your personal voice :)